Tuesday 31 May 2016

What to Know About Whey Protein for Weight Loss

In most supplement stores, you will feel overwhelmed by the various protein powders that are available. But whey protein powder catches my attention the most. Perhaps it's because it is the cheapest and most common type of protein powder. They are found at any supplement store and sometimes in grocery stores. Whey protein boasts an excellent array of minerals and vitamins and is used after workout mostly by recreational gym-goers and athletes.
There is a reason whey preferred by many: increases muscle size and strength and also assist in the repair of muscles after a strength session if consumed within 3 hours of the workout.
Consumers can choose from the option of "isolate," hydrolyzed" or others. "Hydrolyzed" means that the product is broken down from a whole protein into smaller sets of amino acids which are the protein's building blocks. They are also called peptides. The method helps to improve the speed at which digestion takes place. "Isolate" means a purification process in which supplement companies try to obtain the purest form that you can get whey protein.
A routine that involves taking protein powder several times a day can be very monotonous considering that most people can't afford to buy different flavors at a time. You can still get the benefits of whey protein powder through a tasty protein shake. You need to try out some protein shake recipes to suit your taste. A protein shake diet can be an excellent way to lose weight but has potential side effects, and that's why one should consult a physician before trying out a weight loss plan.
Specialized protein powders may be more beneficial, but the advantage is small in the sports nutrition scheme. Any concentrate of whey protein powder can deliver great results if it's from a reputable company. For this to work, adequate attention is given to overall intake of protein, diet quality, and optimal supplement timing.
Whey protein in form of powder is, therefore, one of the most efficient kind of food you can eat that can help you in protein synthesis which is a process required in the building of muscle. In other words, extra protein will help you hold on to your muscle ( muscle mass is usually a casualty when it comes to weight-loss attempts) and therefore would help you gain more muscles quickly. It's crucial as the muscle you have would determine the calories the body burns. Not only can you eat these proteins in protein shake form but also you can bake and cook with it. Whey protein powder is low in lactose and thus ideal for lactose intolerant people.
I am a weight loss expert and have developed all kinds of meal or recipes that can be easily used to reduce your weight. I have a very simple blog you can learn from my friends who have really benefited from my coaching.
Article  source

Sunday 29 May 2016

Are You Stuck Trying To Lose Weight?

Are you stuck trying to lose weight and just can't seem to make much positive progress on this goal? Do you continually start out with the best intentions to eat healthy and exercise but somewhere along the way you get sidetracked and end up back to your old unhealthy ways? This can truly be disheartening and cause for depression if an individual repeatedly is not successful with their weight loss goal.
The main problem with attempting to achieve a weight loss goal is that it does not happen overnight. If an individual has a substantial amount of weight to lose, this process can take a year or more. That is a hefty amount of time to stick with an intended objective and often the reason why most weight loss goals are never met. Sure it might not be terribly difficult to stay focused for a month, but what about for a year or more? Herein lies the issue.
If you are one of those individuals who continually has had a difficult time accomplishing your weight loss goal maybe it's time to take a different approach to this whole endeavor. Instead of repeating the same mistake over and over again, better your chances for success by trying something new.
In a nutshell, the key to losing weight is to consistently live a healthy lifestyle. That translates to being cognizant about your daily nutrition along with getting a consistent form of exercise. Once you get a strong handle on both of these crucial aspects, the weight will slowly but surely leave your body. That may sound like a simple explanation however when you look at what each part specifically entails, that's where you may likely come across numerous problems.
Let's take nutrition for example since this is vital for your success. We all need to eat and drink every day, however our bodies only need a certain amount of calories and nutrients to function efficiently. When we put too much into our bodies and don't find a way to burn off the excess, that's when we gain weight.
Think about all the numerous instances when we are confronted with food or drink every day. When you count up the instances, there may be 5-7 moments you are faced with either food or beverages. This is why it can be very difficult for someone to improve their nutrition on a consistent basis and why most get stuck trying to lose weight.
The difficulty is greatly amplified if the person has been eating in an unhealthy manner for quite some time. Changing one's eating habits and getting used to less food is one of the greatest hurdles for overweight people and why time and time again folks fail.
Nevertheless if you truly want to be successful with weight loss, your daily nutrition is the first place you should start to focus on and improve.
Figure out what gives you the most difficulty and start with that first. Here are some quick tips you should try to adhere to as soon as possible. Ditch the soda, juice, and energy drinks and opt for water instead. Get rid of fast food trips and restaurant outings and prepare all your food at home. Start cooking regularly and prepare a bit extra so you have leftovers to take with you to work the following day.
Don't randomly snack on junk food. Better yet, don't buy any of that stuff from the market. When you do snack, the snacks should be healthy, low-calories options followed with a large glass of water. You'll be amazed at how filling a small handful of almonds with raisins can be when tied with a large glass of water. That will be plenty to tide you over until your next meal.
Also, be sure not to eat late a night since your body won't have the time to burn off that food. Try not to eat less than three hours before doing to sleep and make the last meal of the day your smallest. Often people eat a huge dinner when that should actually be the smaller of your three meals of the day.
These healthy eating tips should give you specific items to focus on for the next month. As you adapt them to your daily life, identify problem areas that may need your attention and address them as soon as possible. The more control you have over your nutrition, the faster you'll reach your weight loss goal.
Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating eBook just for stopping by athttp://healthychoicesinlife.com/programs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9427111 source

Saturday 28 May 2016

Weight Loss - Three Tips to Help You Combat Mindless Eating

Feeling a little like you can't turn off your snacking habit? Do you often wonder if you will ever be able to lose weight when half the time you hardly even realize you're eating? If so, you aren't alone. Many people often feel this way and as a result of it, put on pounds of body weight. Unless you can get control over your mindless eating, it gets very hard to see the success you want. Becoming more self-aware is the first step.
Here are three tips to help you put mindless munching behind you...
1. Sit While You Eat. The first and highly useful piece of advice is always to ensure you are seated while eating. No exceptions. If you make this a rule, it will automatically make you more aware of what you are eating and help reduce the chances you take in foods you shouldn't.
Often it's the foods you eat while standing - chocolate from you co-workers desk, a bite of your child's sandwich while cleaning up their lunch box, or the sample of pizza you grabbed at the grocery store. Cut these out and you will be amazed at the weight loss results you see.
2. Always Buy The Smallest Package. Sometimes the best method is simply damage control. If you eat out of smaller packages (even if you are dishing the food into a bowl or a plate), this too can reduce how much you eat. That, in turn, reduces the total calories you take in, helping to maintain faster fat loss results.
And, as an added tip, never eat out of a package. If you can transfer it to a dish, this too will usually cut back on mindless eating.
3. Decrease Your Variety. While a variety of food choices is great when it comes to getting in more fresh fruits or vegetables, that isn't the case when it comes to snack type of foods.
The more variety of food you have available, the more you will want to eat, and this can lead to an excessive number of calories being consumed.
Essentially, when you have many flavors available, you will want to try all the flavors. If you have just one flavor, you'll be satisfied with a much smaller amount.
So, remember these tips to help you combat mindless munching. Endless munching is the one thing you must learn to get control over if you are going to move on and reach your weight loss goals.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article  source

Friday 27 May 2016

5-Minute Yoga Stretch Routine to Work Up to the Splits | Class FitSugar

18 Keys to Healthy Weight Loss

Fad diets tend to have lots of very restrictive or complex rules, which give the impression that they carry scientific heft, when, in reality, the reason they often work (at least in the short term) is that they simply eliminate entire food groups, so you automatically cut out calories. Moreover, the rules are almost always hard to stick to and, when you stop, you regain the lost weight.Rather than rely on such gimmicks, here we present 18 evidence-based keys for successful weight management. You don’t have to follow all of them, but the more of them you incorporate into your daily life, the more likely you will be successful at losing weight and—more important—keeping the weight off long term. Consider adding a new step or two every week or so, but keep in mind that not all these suggestions work for everyone. That is, you should pick and choose those that feel right for you to customize your own weight-control plan. Note also that this is not a “diet” per se and that there are no forbidden foods.

1. Start with a healthful diet.

That means a diet that's rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes and low in refined grains, sugary foods, and saturated and trans fats. You can include fish, poultry, and other lean meats, and dairy foods (low-fat or nonfat sources are preferable to save calories). Aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day from plant foods, since fiber helps fill you up and slows absorption of carbohydrates. A good visual aid to use is the USDA’s MyPlate, which recommends filling half your plate with vegetables and fruits. Grains (preferably whole grains) and protein foods should each take up about a quarter of the plate. For more details, see 14 Keys to a Healthy Diet.

2. Keep an eye on portions.

You can eat all the broccoli and spinach you want, but for higher-calorie foods, portion control is the key. Check serving sizes on food labels—some relatively small packages contain more than one serving, so you have to double or triple the calories, fat, and sugar if you plan to eat the whole thing. Popular “100-calorie” food packages do the portion controlling for you (though they won’t help much if you eat several packages at once).

3. Eat mindfully.

This involves increasing your awareness about when and how much to eat using internal (rather than visual or other external) cues to guide you. Eating mindfully means giving full attention to what you eat, savoring each bite, acknowledging what you like and don’t like, and not eating when distracted (such as while watching TV, working on the computer, or driving). Such an approach will help you eat less overall, while you enjoy your food more. Research suggests that the more mindful you are, the less likely you are to overeat in response to external cues, such as food ads, 24/7 food availability, and super-sized portions.

4. Eat slowly, chew well.

A component of mindful eating, this allows more time for satiety signals to reach the brain (it takes about 20 minutes), so slow eaters tend to feel more full and eat less. The process of chewing itself may also stimulate satiety signals. In addition, eating slowly makes you more aware of the smell, taste, and texture of the foods, which can lead to greater satisfaction with fewer calories. Keep in mind also that the most pleasure often comes from the first few bites of a food; after that, it’s the law of diminishing returns. Thus, you should focus on those first few tastes of chocolate, cake, or other indulgences, as this may be enough to satisfy. For gadget lovers, the HAPIfork ($99) is an electronic fork that vibrates if you don’t pause long enough between bites.

5. Don’t rely on willpower.

Instead, control your “food environment” so that you don’t unconsciously overfill your plate and eat when you’re not hungry. That means, for example, not having junk foods at home or at least keeping them out of sight (such as on a top shelf or in the back of the fridge)—and changing your routines so you don’t regularly encounter temptations (such as avoiding the office pantry between meals if it has enticing foods and driving a route that doesn’t take you past your favorite food places). Use smaller plates, bowls, cups, and utensils—you may even want to invest in portion-controlled plates (that delineate what reasonable serving sizes are) or portion-control devices (that allow you to measure your food directly on the plate); many different kinds are available online. Portion out snacks into small bowls or bags; don’t eat from large bags or boxes. You may not have control over everything in your food environment, but being aware of hidden food triggers and traps may be enough to keep you from overeating.  

6. Identify emotional triggers that may be making you overeat.

For example, you may eat more when you are stressed, depressed, upset, angry, lonely, or even happy and excited. To distinguish between real hunger and emotional eating, rate your hunger/fullness levels before, during, and after eating on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “beyond hungry” or “starving” (with associated headaches, lightheadedness, and weakness) and 10 being “beyond full” (as in after-Thanksgiving-meal stuffed). Ideally you should eat when you are at level 3 (hungry but not yet uncomfortable) and stop at level 7 (full and satisfied). If you often eat for reasons other than hunger, find pleasurable non-food-related activities that you can do instead, such as going for a brisk walk or run.

7. Go for volume (low-energy-dense foods).

Eating foods low in energy density—that is, with fewer calories relative to their weight and volume—increases satiety, so you are likely to fill up on fewer calories. This well-tested concept was first developed by Barbara Rolls, PhD, at Pennsylvania State University in her well-regarded Volumetrics eating plan. In general, the best way to lower the energy density of your diet is to eat more foods that have a high water and high fiber content (notably fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, and cooked whole grains) in place of low-moisture or high-fat foods (such as cheese, crackers, cookies, and fried potatoes). Incorporate more of these foods in recipes—add more vegetables to soups, stews, and pasta dishes, for example; fill sandwiches and wraps with lots of lettuce, chopped cucumbers, and grated carrots; top whole­ grain pizzas with more vegetables and less cheese. Snack on popcorn and grapes instead of raisins (for the same 120 calories, you can eat more than a cup of grapes compared to only 1/4 cup of raisins).

8. Get adequate protein (and include some with all meals).

There’s evidence that protein increases satiety more than carbohydrates do. Protein also helps limit muscle loss during weight loss. Look for sources of lean protein (such as beans and other legumes, white-meat poultry, and low-fat or nonfat dairy) or those also rich in healthy fats (such as fish, nuts, and soy foods). Some research suggests that distributing your protein throughout the day also helps in weight loss, rather than eating the bulk of it at, say, dinnertime. According to a 2015 paper in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, higher-protein diets that include at least 25 grams of protein at each meal may reduce appetite and thus body weight, compared with lower-protein diets. However, people with or at high risk for kidney disease—and that includes many older people—should be careful not to consume excessive amounts of protein.

9. Eat regularly (don’t skip meals) and choose healthful low-calorie snacks.

Many people find that going longer than a few hours without food makes them more likely to overeat later (often on high-calorie treats). Find a meal-timing pattern that works best for you. If you eat between meals, plan ahead for healthful “mini-snacks” (100 to 200 calories), such as a small container of low-fat yogurt with a handful of berries; two tablespoons of hummus with a cup of baby carrots or sliced bell peppers; a slice of cheese or two thin slices of turkey on half a whole-grain pita; an ounce (small handful) of nuts; or a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana.

10. Limit variety at meals.

Variety in your overall diet is important to ensure that you get a range of nutrients and other substances that contribute to good health. But having too many choices at once can lead to overconsumption (the “smorgasbord effect”) because foods with different flavors and sensory qualities whet the appetite, even if you are physically satiated—which is why there always seems to be “room for dessert.” It’s also easier to overfill your plate when you have a large number of choices. On the other hand, you’re likely to eat less if you have less variety, since foods similar in taste and texture dull the palate (a phenomenon called sensation-specific satiety). Be especially careful at all-you-can-eat buffets and parties. Scan the whole array of foods before making your selection, choose no more than three or four items that most appeal to you, and make only one trip. Using smaller plates also helps limit your choices.

11. Don’t drink your calories.

Beverages are not as satiating as solid foods, and people usually do not compensate for liquid calories by eating less food. It’s okay to drink milk but otherwise stick with water or other noncaloric beverages like tea and coffee (watch the cream and sugar). Choose whole fruits over juice. What about diet beverages? The jury is still out on whether they help with weight loss. The proposed 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines do not recommend sugar substitutes, citing a lack of evidence that they help in long-term weight loss. To liven up water, try a squeeze of lemon or lime or other fruit essence. If you drink alcoholic beverages, be aware of their calories (more than you may think) and that alcohol can have a disinhibiting effect on eating control.

12. Cook at home often.

That allows you to eat more whole foods and control how much oil, sugar, and other high-calorie ingredients you use. Studies have shown that people tend to eat more when they eat out—though you must still be careful to limit portion sizes at home. If cooking from recipes, look for healthy lower-calorie ones that include nutrition analyses, and stick to the serving sizes. Be aware also that just as restaurant portions have ballooned in recent years, recipe serving sizes have also been on the increase.

13. When eating out, follow these simple rules.

Take advantage of calorie listings on menus (or online beforehand) to find lower-calorie options, don’t order anything that’s been super-sized, and consider sharing entrées (or asking for half to be wrapped to take home before you start eating). Or have an appetizer or salad as your main dish. Reading over the whole menu before you order and asking questions of your server or the chef can help steer you toward more healthful, lower-calorie options. Request that dishes be prepared with no or minimal butter, oil, or other high-fat ingredients, and ask for salad dressings on the side so you can control how much you use. And be aware of the menu “tricks” that restaurants use to boost sales—often of cheaper and less-healthful foods.

14. Allow for (controlled) indulgences.

Most people find foods high in fat and sugar pleasurable, since they activate the body’s “reward system” (which releases chemicals in the nervous system relating to pleasure). Overly restricting such foods (or any other types of food you crave) can be counterproductive since it can increase your desire for them and lead to bingeing. An occasional treat is fine, as long as it doesn’t tip the scale with calories. You might, for instance, have a small daily treat or save up for some treats on weekends. On the other hand, some people can’t eat just a little and may be better off avoiding hard-to-resist foods altogether.

15. Keep a food diary.

Studies, including one in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, have found that dieters who regularly record what they eat lose more weight than those who don’t. It doesn’t matter how you do it—in a notebook, on the computer, or with an app on your phone—as long as you record your intake consistently and honestly (including even condiments and tastings you may take while cooking). This simple act makes you more accountable for what you eat and helps you see patterns in your eating habits that may be contributing to weight gain.    

16. Get enough sleep.

An often overlooked factor in body weight may be your sleep habits. Though the optimal amount of sleep varies from person to person, too little sleep (fewer than six hours a night in one study) has been linked to weight gain because it may affect appetite hormones and lead to increased hunger and food intake, decreased calorie burning, and increased fat storage.

17. Consider weighing yourself regularly—at least once a week.

This increases self-awareness and can provide encouragement if the numbers are going in the right direction—or it can motivate you to get back on track if you detect an upward trend. A 2014 study in PLOS ONE of 40 overweight people found that more frequent self weigh-ins were associated with greater weight loss and that going more than a week without stepping on the scale was associated with weight gain. Regular self-weighing is a particularly effective strategy for maintaining long-term weight loss, according to the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks people who have successfully lost and kept weight off. Whether you weigh yourself and how frequently is a personal decision, however. Some people get discouraged by small fluctuations that occur over the course of a day or several days (which reflect normal shifts in fluid levels, rather than changes in body fat). Keep in mind also that weight is not everything: Another good—and sometimes better—gauge of weight-loss success is to measure your waist and other body areas, such as your hips and thighs.

18. Set realistic goals and have a realistic body image.

Just as weight tends to creep up over time, shedding excess pounds takes time. Don’t expect to be able to lose 10 pounds a week (any diet that says you can is counting on water losses, not fat loss). Small and steady losses—about one to two pounds a week—usually win the race in the long term. For most people, losing just 5 to 10 percent of body weight will provide health benefits. Also keep in mind that, depending on your body type and genetics, you may never be able to get back to your high school or college weight. And if you and your family members tend to have a certain body shape (like a pear, for example), weight loss will result in overall slimming but won’t reshape your body.


Oats Recipe for Weight Loss - Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe | Porridge

Thursday 26 May 2016

Recommended: How I Lost 39 Pounds And Achieved My Goal Weight

As we know losing weight is NOT easy. It takes a lot of commitment and action. I had finally reached a point in my life when I made a decision that I was going to control my weight and not let it control me!

I remember the day I stood in my local grocery store in the cookie section talking to a package of cookies... well more like yelling at them, letting them know that I had power over them. My husband and another shopper just stared at me in disbelief lol. Now these were not just any cookies, these were fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Ones that I absolutely loved! So I did what I had to do to unleash my inner power that motivated me to leave the store without that pack of cookies.

I had decided that day that I was going to do something about my weight once and for all. I was "sick and tired of being sick and tired." You may even know how that feels. I was sick and tired of not having enough energy. I was sick and tired of feeling stuffed in my clothes. I was sick and tired of being bullied and overpowered by food, and I made up in my mind that enough was enough!
I am going to share with you some of the things that I did in addition to yelling at that package of cookies to lose weight. This article is not meant to replace any medical advice or professional advice, it is designed to be a source of information and inspiration. And all of these tips might not work for everyone, but surely they can at least motivate you to get going, or stay on track!


Tip 1:

I developed the right mindset to support my desired weight loss. I developed a way of thinking that would move me toward my weight loss goals and not away from them.

Tip 2:

I used positive and empowering self-talk. I called myself the things that I wanted to be. I said it until I saw it. I stopped calling myself "fat" and I started saying "I am getting healthier and healthier everyday!" I knew that I would not excel any higher than what I believed about myself.

Tip 3:

I did things that worked for me. I had to heighten my awareness as it related to who I am. I had to realize that I was not meant to do what worked for everyone else. I had to discover what worked for me and then stick to it. Doing what worked for me is one of the biggest contributors to me achieving my goal weight.

Tip 4:

I made small but beneficial changes as it related to my eating habits and activities. I didn't try to do everything in one day. Every morning that I woke up I focused on doing better than I did the day before. I realized that the weight didn't show up overnight, and it wasn't going to magically disappear overnight. And no matter how small my changes were I knew that even small changes would lead to BIG results.
Tip 5:

I focused on the things that I loved about myself, and took my eyes off of what I perceived to be the things I didn't like about myself.

Tip 6:

If I made a mistake when it came to my eating I didn't beat myself up. When I fell, I got back up, dusted myself off and stayed on track.

Tip 7:

I surrounded myself with positive, supportive and uplifting people who were a source of encouragement on my weight loss journey.

Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Weight Loss Coach and a Certified Weight Management Specialist. She is also the founder of The Weight Success Institute for Women. The Weight Success Institute for Women is a holistic weight management organization for women.
To sign up for the free "Live Life Your Weigh" newsletter, or to find out more about weight loss and weight management programs for women please visit http://www.weightsuccessinstitute.com.
Article source

How to Make Healthy Rainbow Pancakes | Glow

Yummy and #healthy

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Getting in Shape For Summer

Although it seems a bit premature to start mentioning summer, the fact is that summer is sneaking up on us and if you want to get in shape for the summer then there is no doubt that the perfect time to start is now!

Getting in shape for the summer is something that can actually be a little easier to do than losing weight right after the new year. The weather starts to get better, the days become longer and in general people feel in a more uplifted mood as we head into spring. The idea of having that perfect body for the summer holiday on the beach suddenly seems very appealing.
Find some top tips below for starting to get into shape for the summer:
Improved Weather = Start an Exercise Regime

Starting an exercise regime in January right after new year can often be the downfall of many people's weight loss journey. It is hard to stay motivated enough to carry on with the exercise regime in such a cold and usually depressing month. Many find themselves busy at work after the Christmas break and the last thing they want when it's dark and cold is to go on a run or down to the gym.
However starting an exercise regime now can often be much easier to stick to. The days are getting longer and weather is improving. It doesn't seem such a daunting task to go for a run after work. The great thing is by starting an exercise regime now you still have a good amount of time to aim for that perfect summer body!

Get a Spring Diet in Place

The winter can be a very difficult time to start a diet. The cold weather, Christmas and the January Blues food are all factors which can impact on someone's diet or plans to start a diet in the winter time. Many of us comfort eat during the winter months and therefore our diet plans go out of the window.

Starting a diet as we head into spring can be much easier to stick to and follow. As the weather warms up we don't feel the need to comfort eat and in general we usually feel the need to eat less as the weather warms up.
Article  source

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Obstacles to Weight Loss

In a previous article that I have written here entitled, "The Challenge in Losing Weight," I have identified three (3) basic challenges that people who would want to trim down and get rid of those excess fat in their body face. The three main challenges evolve in:
  1. Motivation
  2. Reason
  3. Determination

In this article, we shall dwell on factors that make the person stop or quit from getting that ideal weight or factors that make a person stop from losing weight. We shall try in our utmost effort to provide possible solutions that would allow you to overcome these obstacles so you can continue to see the effects of your effort in losing weight.

I am not seeing any results

The first possible obstacle that one can face in their effort of losing those unwanted fats is the fact that the first initial steps would often display a huge amount of lost weight but then, after a few more trips to the gym, they start to see no results at all.

Health experts and dieticians would normally call this the plateu stage and this is something that often happens to people who are losing weight. This is something that I have experienced myself where every week I would be going to our company clinic to measure my weight. The first few weeks saw a huge improvement where I lost around 29.95 kilos but then, after that first big drop, I found myself in a plateau where my weight would just be going up and down between 122kgs and 120kgs and this has gone for almost a month.


I started to lose hope at first because I have been measuring my weight every 2 weeks and I don't see any drop or movement. However, I missed out on one important thing... the fact that my weight might not be changing because the fats are turning into mass and muscles. I then tried to check out for the contours of my body and found that my arms started to have form, my stomach bulges started to have deep curves.
I then told myself that I should not stop what I am doing and should continue and go on with my visits to the gym and lessening the food intake and continue with the no rice or less carb intake. I do admit that there have been times that I miss going to the gym to work out since I am working in the call center and there are really times that I am really sleepy that I could not wake up and drag myself to the gym.

Even if the results were a bit slow, I never stopped pushing myself to go to the gym to work-out. I may not have been able to go there daily like before, but then, every time I am able to do so, I found it a habit to still go even if I could not spend 4 hours in the gym, I always made sure that I would have at least 30 minutes of cardio work-out in the stationary bike and 1 hour to about 1 hour and a half doing the work-outs for my chest, shoulders, back, and even my lower extremities.

Setting Up Goals

One of the things that allowed me to push to lose weight after coming from all the challenges of not being able to go and visit the gym daily was to take note of how many calories I burn during my cardio work-out in the stationary bike. My goal was always to burn more calories, to ensure that I pedal at a faster speed, if possible to ensure that I remain consistent pedalling at a speed of 40 for the 30 minutes that I spend on the stationary bike. It was a huge challenge and there are times when I feel that I am trying to set ideal goals for losing weight.

Setting goals for weight loss would be one of the obstacles and challenges for those who really want to lose weight. Most health experts and dieticians would say that in order for one to ensure that they are on track with their weight loss, is to set realistic and achievable goals. You can't have a weight of 270lbs and expect to lose it in just a matter of 3 months. Some of the people that I have talked to whenever I spend time working out in the gym would often say that it takes for one to be consistent in their work-out routine in order for them to achieve the results that they want.
If your goal is to be consistent, you should be able to set goals that are very realistic that you don't end up losing hope and stop in achieving that weight that you want or that body contour that you want to have.

Another advise that was given to me by one of my gym buddies was to get a picture of the ideal body that I want to have. This is, in a way, factoring the Law of Attraction into your weight loss goal. The Law of Attraction was originally derived from Rhonda Byrne's book entitled The Secret which was again derived from Charles F. Haanel's Master Key System. Both authors discuss about how to attract something that you want to have in your life. If you want to have a lean, muscular body, then you would first have to see yourself in that state.


Stress Eating / Eating for Comfort

I have known several people who have told me that they wanted to lose weight and become slim but then, when you ask them if they have started cutting down on their food intake, they tend to give you several reasons why they should not. When I first lost weight in 2010, the first thing that I told myself was I would not be eating rice at all. I first conditioned my mind and prepared myself that starting from that day, all that I would be eating would just be the viand and my meals would not have rice along with it.

I was successful in the said mind conditioning and was able to totally survive eating my meals without rice. I ate more vegetables, took in lunch and dinner by just eating my viand, especially if it were meat. If I had chicken, I would opt to eat the white meat. I did not remove the skin but I often remove the fat when my viand was steak or pork chop.
I started to eat less, but I did not bother if I need to eat frequently. My father told me that one of the reasons why I became fat was due to the fact that I would not be eating one meal but then eat in just one jampack. I remember when I was in high school, I would often skip lunch but when I get home, I would eat as if I combined my lunch and dinner when I get home. Sometimes, I would even eat dinner when it is already time to eat dinner, therefore multiplying the food that I intake and then sleep.

Stress eating is also one of the things that I have noticed myself doing. When I get pressured or stressed, I tend to divert them to eating more or just eat anything that I encounter either in a food store, restaurant, etc. I have learned to divert my outlet and not focus on eating whenever I get stressed. In 2010, when I first decided to lose weight, I diverted my emotions, i.e. anger, frustration, stress when I work out. I ended up lifting heavier weights, doing more sets and repetitions of whatever workout I was doing. I found myself doing cardio in the strider for 1 hour before I lift weights and another hour before I go home. I actually found myself working out in the gym for 4 hours and then go home feeling so exhausted that I can sleep well.

These are just three (3) of the possible challenges that people who would want to lose weight encounter. It is actually good to take note and be aware of them in order for us to avoid falling into such traps. I would admit that I have not totally overcome everything and sometimes, there are moments when I slip and draw back to some of them. However, since I am aware of such tendencies, when I recognize that I am going back into the said traps, I would find a way of diverting my attention in order not to fall and commit the same mistakes.

Do you see yourself falling into any of these scenarios and traps? Then I challenge you to find a way of avoiding falling into the challenges of losing weight and persevere in losing those extra fats.
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Sunday 22 May 2016

Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Really Work?

Losing weight can be one of the most difficult and most daunting experiences. So many people find that no matter how hard they work at eating healthy and exercising, cheating on their diet, binge eating and not losing weight is more of a reality than they would like. Dieting usually leads to frustration. Many find going to a restaurant with friends or just ordering in can be too hard to bear, which is why online hypnosis may be the solution.
Found this interesting article from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com
you can read the full article here

Best Ways To Lose Weight - Avoid This

Everyone is always looking for the best ways to lose weight which is fine, but do yourself a favor and don't buy into all the hyper garbage you see online and off. If you want to try a pill or a special diet that's fine, especially if you only want to use it for a short time just to jump-start your weight loss, but do not believe that you can lose weight overnight with absolutely no lifestyle changes... you will only be setting yourself up for failure.

The best approach to weight loss is to look at it like a lifestyle change rather-than a "diet". Diet makes it seem like it is something short-term where lifestyle change makes it seem more like what it should-be, a lifestyle change.

Approaching it from this point of view will make it easier for you since it will take off that pressure to have results immediately. Any weight you lose within days of starting is usually only water weight anyway, not fat lose. Do not set yourself up for failure by having unrealistic expectations.
Your first step should be to find a sensible and healthy eating plan. Make sure you have lots of lean protein and a reasonable balance of fat and carbs. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water every day. It's usually recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.
For example, if you weigh 126 lbs that means you should drink about 63 ounces of water everyday to keep your body hydrated and to flush out toxins.

After that point you should set up a sensible exercise plan to workout and lose weight. Again, making a plan is a great start. You don't have to go to extremes, you need to start at what every fitness level you already have and start adding on as you are able to. Something as simple as taking your dog for a walk, using the stairs at work and parking a little further from your office can be simple, easy changes you can make.
If you feel like it, and your doctor says it's OK (you should always check with your doctor before you start a diet and exercise program, especially if you have underlying health issues) than you can step up your workouts.


The most important thing you can do is to find a workout that works for you. If you hate the treadmill with a passion, then don't use the treadmill. The best thing you can do to ensure your success is to find an activity that you like, that way you will stick with it.

There are many things you can do to lose weight and the best ways to lose weight are the ones that provide your body with the nutrients you need and finding a sensible exercise plan.

Make it a permanent lifestyle change, take it one day at a time and keep realistic expectations and your chances of success are greatly improved.

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Friday 20 May 2016

What Are Fermented Foods and What Benefits Are There?

"Fermentation" - What is it?

Fermentation, as it relates to food, is a chemical reaction which allows a ferment to cause an organic module to divide into reduced substances. An example of this would be the converting of sugar to ethyl alcohol by yeast (the ferment). It was discovered thousands of years ago through observation by our ancient ancestors.

Modern scientists have determined that the benefits of fermented foods are enormous and include improved health and digestive support. The process of fermentation includes the preservation of food and creating beneficial enzymes, Omega-3 fatty acids, b-vitamins and several unique strains of probiotics.

What are Fermented Foods?

The vast community of bacteria in our bodies is called microbiome. Recent research has shown the importance of it. As we all know there are millions of cells in our bodies yet these bacteria outnumber our cells by a factor of 10 to one!

That makes us more bacteria than we are human. The microbiome in our gut is crucial to our overall health and governs many of our body's key functions.

You must balance the microbiome in your gut if you want to lose weight and feel better. Eating fermented foods is one of the most effective ways to do that.It is essential that you have a balanced microbiome because it regulates the immune system and metabolism, it sustains the gastrointestinal tract, supports mood and brain function, and produces crucial vitamins and nutrients. By doing all of this it helps us maintain a healthy weight.

The rich live bacteria found in fermented foods replenish the microbiome, which helps it maintain the right proportion of friendly bacteria. This provides for optimal health and weight loss. Fermented foods are considered part Superfoods.

Fermented foods are available in many forms: pastas, seasonings, condiments, curries, stews, pickles, and even candy. You can fry or boil or sometimes candy them, and you can eat them in main dishes, side dishes, salads, or desserts.
Fermented drinks are also available in many forms. Alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, or nonalcoholic drinks such as certain teas, vinegar-based drinks, or buttermilk.
The universal consumption of fermented foods is the strongest possible
demonstration of how much we humans need this type of food in our diets.

The following foods are healthy fermented foods and can be found anywhere and are readily available.
• Sauerkraut - a version of fermented cabbage
• Kimchee - a Korean version of fermented cabbage, carrots, onions, and garlic
• Fermented vegetables - available ready-made in most stores and online
• Yogurt - another type of fermented milk product

Fermented foods can provide us with healthy microbiome which can transform our endocrine,
immune, digestive, and nervous systems.


What are the Benefits of Fermented Foods?

Food fermentation has several advantages and a few of the most advantageous are that the food provides natural probiotics, and it is enriched with vitamins, essential amino acids, bioactive compounds and minerals.

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Because natural health products have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties many people today are consuming more of these products. The effective and safe use of a variety of fermented foods is supported by a growing body of literature.

Fermented foods supply a more distinct anti-inflammatory influence when you compare them with their unfermented counterparts, according to several studies. In addition, fermented herbal ingredients have been found to be more valuable to bone health, antioxidant support, as well as safeguarding the intestinal lining and increased immunity.

Many individuals have an intolerance when it comes to lactose or they may suffer from not being able to absorb the lactose. This condition results in lactose, the primary carbohydrate of milk, not being digested completely. Considerable amounts of B-D-galactosidase are in the cultures used to make curds and yogurt and are believed to assist in alleviating mal-absorption symptoms. Yogurt is fermented and could assist in reducing the symptoms of lactose intolerance by causing a delay in the emptying of the stomach. This delay gives more time for absorption thus reducing or alleviating the mal-absorption symptoms.

The author, James L Coffing, specializes in finding simple and easy ways for you to be active, be healthy, and be happy.
When the gut holds a healthy environment of the proper bacteria, metabolism improves, hormone production is enhanced, and overall health is better-quality.
Click the link to get the equivalency of 6 servings of vegetables with one scoop of Fermented Green Supremefood and find other ways to be active, be healthy and be happy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/James_L_Coffing/2282291

Thursday 19 May 2016

Healthy Eating - Foods to Help You Sustain Optimal Iron Levels

As an active individual, one nutrient you will want to ensure you're taking in sufficient amounts is iron. Iron is a metal essential to most life forms, including human. It is responsible for helping with the formation of red blood cells, which then helps transfer oxygen to and from the working muscle tissues. If you start to fall short in iron, you may experience iron-deficiency anemia, which can then lead to...

  • premature fatigue during exercise,
  • hair loss, and
  • a general feeling of malaise.

Fortunately, if you are smart with your eating plan, you can sustain optimal iron levels. While most people think you need to eat plenty of red meat to take in the desired amount of iron, this is just not the case. Let's look at a few alternative sources of iron...

1. Shellfish. Seafood is often touted as one of the best sources of protein and for good reason. Not only does it tend to be lower in total fat content, but it's also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Now, you can add iron to the list. One 100 gram serving of clams, for instance, contains 28 mg of iron which is about 155% of your total daily intake. This amount is far more than you would get from beef.

Also, those who consume shellfish on a regular basis may also notice improved cholesterol levels.

2. Spinach. Going vegetarian? Being vegetarian doesn't mean you have to fall short in your iron intake. In fact, spinach is a fantastic source and is low in calories; just about everyone can include spinach in their daily eating plan. Spinach is also an excellent source of antioxidants, so will help prevent oxidative damage and is great for detoxification purposes.
Spinach also loads you up with plenty of vitamin C, which will help with the absorption of the iron it provides.

It's a nutritional superstar.

3. Legumes. Legumes should not be overlooked. This complex carbohydrate is also a fantastic source of protein and will add iron to your eating plan as well. Legumes contain about 37% of your total recommended daily intake of iron per cup and will also help to lower your risk of heart disease thanks to the high level of fiber it contains.

Try swapping out the meat in your eating plan for legumes every so often.

4. Pumpkin Seeds. Finally, consider eating pumpkin seeds more often as well. Pumpkin seeds will provide you with 4.2 mg of iron per 28 gram serving (one ounce), which is about 23% of your total recommended daily intake. Also, pumpkin seeds are a source of...

  • vitamin K,
  • zinc, as well as
  • manganese.

Don't overlook iron in your eating plan. It's easy to get caught up focusing on calories, saturated fat, and your sugar intake, but its wise to remember the essential micronutrients that play a vital role in your overall health.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142

Healthy Protein Shakes For Weight Loss

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Foods That Help With Weight Loss

Healthy Eating - 3 Breakfast Foods to Begin Your Day With


Chances are, you already know it's critical to be feeding yourself a healthy meal first thing in the day. A healthy breakfast will get your body running smoothly as you begin your day and ensure you maintain control over your hunger in the hours ahead. Unfortunately, many people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast thinking this is a good way to cut calories. But this idea can backfire in a big way.

Rather than skipping breakfast, choosing a better breakfast is the way to go although some breakfast foods are wiser choices than others as far as maintaining steady energy and stabilizing your blood sugar levels are concerned.

Let's look at the three best breakfast foods for you to consider...

1. Eggs. Hands-down, you just can't go wrong with eggs. Eggs provide an ideal source of protein, some healthy fats, and will also provide a small amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal function.
Anyone who consumes eggs first thing in the day tends to have more control over their hunger during their meals later on in the day. Therefore, they are less likely to over-consume calories.


2. Low-Sugar Plain Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is another excellent choice for fueling your body first thing in the morning. Many people shy away from dairy-rich foods, thinking they're not a healthy addition to their eating plan, but this isn't the case.
As long as you choose wisely, you can certainly include them. Plain Greek yogurt is...

  • lower in sugar content,
  • rich in protein, and will also
  • provide calcium to strengthen your bones.

Plus, Greek yogurt will also contain probiotics which are necessary for proper immune system support and digestive health.
Complete this meal by adding some berries, bran flakes/buds and a few nuts.

3. Whey Protein. While you may not want only to have a liquid calorie intake first thing in the day as they don't provide the satiety benefits you're after, consider adding a protein shake to your breakfast food choices.

If you are eating breakfast food that doesn't offer much protein - say a bowl of oatmeal or a banana with peanut butter, the protein shake will help round out the nutrition, bringing the protein you need to your breakfast.

Plus, those who consume whey protein powder also tend to experience greater appetite suppressing benefits. This too could help you limit any mid-morning snacking.
Keep these breakfast options in mind as you gear up for your morning. Taking 10 minutes to prepare a healthy meal will pay off regarding the energy and appetite control you experience during your day.
Although managing your health can be very challenging, there are many steps you can take to improve your overall health. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight, your blood sugar levels and your blood pressure. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142

Monday 16 May 2016

5 Tips for Optimal Nutrition

One of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine was the Greek physician Hippocrates. He sums up the importance of optimal nutrition choices in one line:
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
With winter upon us, now is a great time to focus on increasing the number of positive choices when it comes to nourishing our bodies with great nutrition.

Here are my top 5 tips for optimal nutrition:

1. Base your nutritional regime around whole foods

Think nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, pulses and meat. Make choices in these food groups that are as close to the original food as possible. This helps ensure the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients (the things that nourish you) are still intact. E.g. raw almonds instead of roasted and/or salted ones!

2. Choose organic

Organic farming places the utmost importance on caring for the soil because it forms the basis for health, for all life forms. Healthy soil encourages healthy, disease resistant plants, which then transfers to the animals and people who consume those plants. By choosing organic, you are opting for food that has been grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and without the routine use of antibiotics.

3. Drink water

Your body can survive a surprisingly long time without food but it won't last more than a few days without water. Optimal hydration is critical to ensure our muscles and nerves function properly, and even mild dehydration can lead to feelings of lethargy. How much to drink? The answer is quite simple - drink until your wee is clear or almost clear. What an easy way to measure whether you're getting enough!

4. Take time to plan and prepare for eating well

It takes time and preparation to change your habits. Schedule out time to write shopping lists, shop for food and prepare meals. Plan to eat before you shop to minimise the chance of giving in to temptation foods - or shop online to minimise even further. Make bulk meals to freeze for busy nights and set aside time to prepare a packed lunch the night before. Keep useful kitchen items in easy to reach places - for example, put the blender on the bench rather than in the cupboard so that healthy smoothie preparation is quick and easy.

5. Change only one small thing at a time

You may feel overwhelmed by wondering where to start improving your nutrition. Don't. Just start. Make one small, achievable change and once that becomes a habit (something you can do without a major effort), then focus on something else. Small changes are the key to success. For example, instead of saying "I'm only going to eat whole foods from now on and forever", instead make your target more realistic such as "I'm going to increase to eating at least 4 different vegetables per day on at least 5 days every week".


Just Organic is an online organic grocer, providing healthy grocery options, conveniently delivered to New Zealand households and workplaces. We make it easy and convenient to be healthy with weekly deliveries available, and FREE delivery in Christchurch. Visit https://www.justorganic.co.nz/
Natural Balance health and fitness inspires people to make positive, sustainable choices to their health, fitness and lifestyle. Visit: http://www.naturalbalance.co.nz
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Elly_McGuinness/1256243