Tuesday, 5 July 2016

3 Keys to Develop Slim Habits

Did you know that unhealthy eating habits can be changed? Most of us do. Now do you know that you can think slimmer and live slimmer? It has been proven that the way we think is directly connected to our results. So that means that your mindset is directly connected to your habits or your behaviors. According to Wikipedia, "A habit is a routine behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously." This article is going to cover 3 keys to inspire you to develop slim habits.
1. Transform any way of thinking that does not support your slim habits.
As discussed previously our mindset is essential in achieving results. So you can't think non-slim thoughts and manifest the slimmer body that you desire and deserve. Many of us aren't aware of the fact that what we think shows up in our lives in one way or another.
If we think positive thoughts it manifests positive results but if we think negative thoughts it manifests negative results. So you have to make slim thinking a way of life for you. That simply means that you are focusing your thoughts of the slimmer version of yourself that you desire to be. And any other way of thinking has to be conquered, because that can be a subconscious block to you losing weight and maintaining your weight loss.
2. Be dedicated to a healthier lifestyle.
When you are dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle your habits will begin to align with your dedication. Dedication is extremely important because without dedication you can lose your motivation and easily get off track. Be dedicated to stick to your healthier way of living until you see your slim habits start to emerge and be consistent.
3. Be mindful about what is going in your mouth.
It is also important to be aware of what you are eating and how it is going to affect your weight, and your weight loss goals. Being mindful about your eating habits is critical to your slim habits. And that just doesn't mean being mindful once, or being mindful is a permanent lifestyle behavior. The more mindful you are the more slimmer your habits can be.
Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is a Nurse, Certified Health Coach, Certified Weight Loss Coach, Certified Weight Management Specialist, and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She is also the founder of The Weight Success Institute for Women, a holistic weight management organization for women.
She is also the creator of "The Skinny Mind Diet Program." To learn more about the program" please visit http://www.weightsuccessinstitute.com/online-education-programs.html

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