Thursday 11 August 2016

5 Unhealthful And Discomforting Crash Diets Side Effects


Rapid weight loss is tempting, especially if you're attending an upcoming event, however, there are crash diets side effects to be wary of. Going on a crash diet may seem like a good idea if you're impatient to go through healthy weight loss. Then again, you could be putting your health at risk by losing weight too quickly. What makes a diet a crash diet?

Crash dieting comes in different forms. Losing weight rapidly may be achieved by slurping (only) liquids to eating very low amounts of calories to skipping meals while engaging in heavy exercise and other potentially unsafe ways to get skinny. In other words, any extreme measure undergone to lose a large amount of weight is classified as crash dieting.

Crash diets, in most cases, are not safe. If you stick to one, you'll be neglecting the nutritional needs of your body. You can lose weight quickly, but note that the negative effects of crash dieting may linger even when you've gained your weight back.

Side Effects of Crash Diets

You'll quickly regain the weight you've lost. Unlike healthy diets, crashing doesn't inculcate new and healthy eating techniques. When you're done with it and you're finding yourself eating in a "normal" pattern again, you'll put your weight back on very quickly. In fact, you could gain more weight than what you initially had on. Water weight may be an accompanying problem,too, and you'll experience bloating as your body adjusts again to your usual eating habit.

It can have detrimental effects on your metabolism. Crashing makes you deprive your body of the proper nutrition. This makes your body react in different ways. Your body misconstrues your deprivation as a state of famine and as a result conserves fat and slows down your metabolism. It conserves all foods and fat for what it considers as an emergency situation. This leads to your body to burn lean tissue. You'll lose healthy lean body mass, consequently inhibiting your metabolism more.

You'll experience stronger food cravings. Your brain shuts down your food cravings when you are starving yourself. However, the contrary happens when you begin eating again. That is, your brain becomes overly active. As it detects that you're in a state of famine, it even prepares for more coming times of hunger. The brain then sends eager signals to your body to eat and horde more food (while it is available). This could lead to a long-term mechanism of overeating on your part, which in turn, can sabotage your future efforts for losing weight.

Your body nutrition becomes deficient. You won't be supplying your body with essential nutrients when you're crashing. This is a detrimental condition because your body may begin to leach nutrition from your bones. The possible offshoots are fractures and osteoporosis. Your body may eat up iron from your blood as well, which can result to anemia. These and a large number of nutrition deficiency conditions can develop in your body system.

You're skinny, but not as beautiful as you expect. You'll lose weight significantly when you're crash dieting. Although you're skinny, your skin could become dull and droopy. It could make you look older. Even your hair will lose its luster. What's worse is that you'll suffer from halitosis or bad breath because bacteria associated with starvation grows in your mouth.

Look for other healthier alternatives to obtain rapid weight loss. Crash dieting is never a good idea because it can compromise your health. Note these crash diets side effects so that you'll be motivated to stick to a healthier diet plan.

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