Thursday, 31 March 2016
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Weight Loss:7 Powerful Tips That Will Help You Shed Excess Body Fat
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The best way to get the sustainable weight loss results that you are looking for starts with proper nutrition. This includes getting enough macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Macro nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Micro nutrients include vitamins and minerals.
Tip 1: Stay Away From FAD Diets That Promote "Low Carbohydrates Or No Carbohydrates"
Carbohydrates are one of the three macro nutrients that our body needs. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and fuel. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen and used as energy. We get our carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. All carbohydrates are made up of sugar. The two main forms are of sugar are glucose and fructose. Fructose is the sugar that can be found in all fruits.
The two different types of carbohydrates are simple & complex. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly in the body. With simple sugars our blood sugar spikes very quickly at which point it crashes. Our energy levels will follow our blood sugar levels. In other words, it is best to stay away from simple carbohydrates; however, consuming good carbohydrates is essential to your health and weight loss success and you should consume carbohydrates with every meal.
Tip 2: Eat Low Glycemic Index & Low Glycemic Load Foods
The glycemic index is a way to measure how much a carbohydrate will cause a rise in blood sugar. Focus on eating low glycemic foods. Glycemic load is a new way to measure how much sugar is in the foods we consume. The following foods are low GI & low GL foods; (all Bran cereal, apples, carrots, kidney beans, red lentils & strawberries).
Carbohydrates like russet potatoes and corn flakes are high GI & GL foods that will cause weight gain as well as a sugar spike.
Tip 3: Avoid Pop And Artificial Sweeteners
There have been studies that show that consuming one can of pop per day will depress the immune system by as much as 80% for up to eight hours. People that drink one can of pop per day will be twice as likely to develop type two diabetes. Eating balanced meals and the correct sugars is the key to success.
Tip 4: Consume Protein With Each Meal
Proteins are the building blocks in our bodies. We need it for building muscles, energy, hormones, immune health and for every function in the body. Protein is not an ideal source of fuel because our protein is what is broken down for muscle development. We should eat protein every three to four hours to keep our blood sugar balanced. Carbohydrates are ideal for energy otherwise our bodies will break down our muscles in order to access the protein that they absorb.
Tip 5: Eat In Hormonal Balance
Every meal should contain a protein, carbohydrate and healthy fat. To learn how to eat in hormonal balance it is necessary to see a nutritionist or simply use the free health portal that I have provided for you, compliments of True Star Health.
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Tip 6: Consume Two Whey Protein Shakes Per Day
People that consume two shakes per day containing whey protein will have lower levels of a hormone called "ghrelin", in their system. Low levels of ghrehlin tell the body that we are full and that it is not necessary to eat. High levels of ghrehlin do the opposite.
Tip 7: Consume Good Fats With Every Meal
Our body needs all three macro nutrients to function smoothly. Our brain is made up of 60% fat. Fat makes up the cell membranes to all of our cells. If you are not consuming enough fat or are consuming bad fats, you will compromise the integrity of your cells.
Monounsaturated fats will improve our cholesterol levels which can decrease our risk of heart disease. An example of good fats are avocados, olive oil and fish oils.
To summarize, all that you really need to do is to eat in hormonal balance, take high quality professional natural supplements and exercise on a regular basis.
I hope that this article was helpful. Feel free to make a comment and I will do my best to respond, in the event that you have any additional questions, comments or concerns.
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Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Achieve Your Dream Body in 8 Weeks
The market however has created this giant illusion that you need this magic pill and that super program to get your best body ever.
This however is not the case
You can start losing weight today by following the 3 pillars to weight loss success
1. Nutrition
This is the most crucial part of weight loss!
It is not that magic pill you drink before or after meals. It doesn`t run for hours and hours on end on a treadmill until sweat streams down your face like a river. Sure, this would help but you can then cancel the entire workout with a nice fast food burger after the workout to "reward" yourself.
The key to nutrition for weight loss is consistency.
Choose a plan and then stick to it.
I would recommend the following plan
The Banting Diet
This is the diet that I personally use. It is the most simple and easy to follow diet on the planet and I have tried a few. You do not need to weigh any food. You don`t have to eat by the hour. You do not need 6 different Tupperware containers.
The diet is simple.
Eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are full. However, you need to eat food from certain lists. The green list means you can eat as much as you want from the list. Then, from the orange list you can have 1 item and the red list is a big NONO.
Training to me is very important on any weight loss program as it accelerates your progress. On the Banting diet, you will still lose weight, whether you are training or not, however you will have much better results when following a training program as well.
I would recommend weight training programs that are designed by Kris Gethin, I find that I resonate with his style of training and have achieved the best results following his programs.
The gym, however, is not for everyone and if you feel like the gym scares you, you can also follow a training program at home. Simply do 20 minutes worth of HIIT cardio in the morning and evening.
How does HIIT work?
Let`s say for example you enjoy jogging...
You will run for 15 seconds as fast as you possibly can and then jog slowly for 45 seconds. Do this 20 times and you are good to go.
3. Motivation/support
Support: Find a person who you can be accountable before you start. This way you know that when you eat that piece of chocolate cake you have to tell someone about it and you will be less likely to consume it in a moment of weakness.
Then for motivation: Find a picture of a person you want to look like and stick that picture in places where you will see it often. Looking at your goal continuously helps you to stay on track.
Hope this helps!
For more information on achieving your dream body simply visit:
Join our free email course: 7 Steps for amazing fat loss
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Tuesday, 15 March 2016
27 Uncommon Ways To Lose Belly Fat Faster
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Today I am sharing with you some uncommon fat burning tricks. Apply them and you can get faster results and enjoy your journey to a healthy life.
#1. Have breakfast within half an hour of waking up in the morning.
If you do not have a habit of eating in the morning or when you wake up, then try to develop it. Eating within half an hour of waking up, starts your fat loss. Make your breakfast protein rich and avoid skipping breakfast. People who skip breakfast attract many health issues like obesity, heart problems, etc.
#2. Consume snacks that contain healthy fats.
It's a general notion that fat is not good for our body, so we should avoid it totally but that is not true. There are healthy fats which are required by our body to develop strong cell structure. Healthy fats control your appetite and help in fat loss. Some examples are coconut oil, coconut cream, almonds, pecans, walnuts, super dark chocolate, avocados, whole eggs, etc.
#3. Avoid sugar free and low fat products.
When you are on a fat loss regime, you try to grab things with the labels "Sugar Free" or "Low Fat". These help in gaining weight because they do not provide the necessary nutrients which are required by our body. Sugar free items contain artificial sweeteners which are more dangerous for our digestive system. Also, these make fat loss harder because you tend to eat more carbohydrates and sugar rich foods. These labels are only for marketing the products.
#4. Increase your protein intake.
Protein intake is crucial for fat loss, so you have to be very careful about your protein intake. Make sure you have 20-30 grams of protein per meal.
#5. Use Alpha-Lipoic Acid (100-300 mg) before each meal.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant and a free radical scavenger that has been proven to regenerate vitamin C and Vitamin E. ALA helps you store the carbohydrates you eat in the muscles or in your liver as opposed to fat.
So make your fat loss faster with ALA.
#6. Use Policosanol (20-25 mg) before bed.
Policosanol, an extract of plant waxes, often sugar cane. It is used to increase the amount of HDL cholesterol and decrease the LDL cholesterol. Tim Ferris experimented with it for fat loss and it helps in burning fat faster.
#7. Use Garlic Extract before each meal.
Use Garlic extract (200 mg) before each meal. It is used to control cholesterol and is found to be very effective in fat loss. It can also be used in salad dressing. Cook often with garlic. It has many health benefits.
#8. Chew your food at least 12-15 times before swallowing.
Do not eat in a hurry. Chew your food for at least 12- 15 times so that it is properly diluted and easily digested. Spend time enjoying your food for at least 30 minutes and chew more, which helps in fat loss. Do not eat for the sake of eating. Enjoy your meal.
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#9. Limit your fruit intake to one piece a day for fat loss.
You may ask why is there a restriction on fruits? We need all the nutrients for a balanced diet. But fruits are directly converted into glucose and stored as fat. So when you are on fat loss, say no to fruit juice and try it eat one piece of whole fruit per day.
#10. Drink lemon water before each meal.
Drink lemon water before or with each meal as lemon is a good antioxidant. Make it a habit so that it helps in keeping you healthy.
#11. Drink green tea 2-3 times a day with lemon.
Green tea helps in fat loss. Drink it 2-3 times a day with lemon. It will energize you and it also acts as a good antioxidant.
It aids the digestive system and reduces cancer risks. Drinking green tea during work outs greatly help in fat loss.
#12. Drink iced water 2-3 times a day.
When you drink cold water, your body has to burn extra calories to heat up the water which burns fat significantly. So in a day try to drink 2-3 glasses of iced water.
#13. Drink at least 8 glasses of water for fat loss.
If you are not drinking sufficient water then you will fail in your fat loss efforts because our body needs a lot of water to cleanse itself and for optimum functioning of liver. Make extra efforts to drink water. If you do not drink enough water, you might also suffer from constant headache.
#14. Try various frequency, duration and intensity levels of workout in order to keep getting results.
There is no fixed method for exercising. Try different exercises with different frequencies and intensities. Change your duration weekly. When you do short exercises like 10 minutes a day, try to make it intense.
#15. Perform Yoga for fat loss.
Become a yogi as doing yoga gives so many benefits in the long run. It is a great way to lose fat and reduce stress. By holding poses for certain time periods, you also improve concentration.
#16. Increase the time in downward exercise.
When we perform exercises, we put more power in forward motion and quickly do the downward motion. Try to perform the downward exercise for longer duration so that you spend more energy.
#17. Play competitive sports.
This is a great way to lose fat. By challenging yourself, you achieve more. Sports are a great way to get into a desired shape and it's much more fun to workout with someone else in a competitive atmosphere.
#18. Measure your weight daily.
Step on to the weighing machine daily so that you can see the changes and get excited about results. Do not get discouraged when there is no weight loss in a day or two. It's perfectly alright. You must be having some other changes. Doing so you can design your program or become serious for the coming day. You will get conscious and start getting good results.
#19. Have your body fat percentage measured weekly.
Measure your body fat percentage every week. There are many devices which can measure belly fat in 2-3 seconds like Karada Scan from Omron. You can use your preferred device but keep track of your fat. There are many types of fat in our body, keep eye on belly fat, fat surrounding our heart, etc.
#20. Use Neuro Associative Conditioning.
You can reprogram your brain by this trick. When you have a bad feeling like skipping your workout schedule or want to eat unhealthy foods, then pull out the picture of some obese person or your photo when you were obese. Next look at the picture of your hero or someone you admire for fitness. Keep those photos in your mobile or in your pocket.
#21. Chew gums between meals.
This trick is not healthy for long term but helps in fat loss. When you get very hungry and have no control then chew gum so that you get a feeling of fullness and do not eat. Do not get addicted with this type of habit.
#22. Find an exercise buddy.
Find out someone who wants to lose fat like you. Share your methods of doing exercise, diet methods or what you are doing to get best results with each other. Make it a healthy competition to lose fat faster.
#23. Practice positive self affirmation.
Self affirmation works. Stand in front of a mirror at home or the gym and say "You are going to be strong today", "You are going to have the desired body whatever it takes" and you will start seeing results.
#24. Hang with the friends who are health and fitness conscious.
You are the average of 5 people you hang around with. So reduce your time with the people who are not healthy even though they are your good friends. Make it a habit to hang around people who are more health conscious.
Burn Fat even faster
#25. Use ginger for cleaning your stomach.
Ginger has many health benefits and is a powerful antioxidant. It can help in improving your digestion and soothe your stomach. Few unique compounds in ginger can help prevent your body from forming new fat cells. So include ginger in every meal you eat.
#26. Exercise for 60-90 seconds before a big meal to send calories to muscles cells instead of fat cells.
Before eating, make it a habit of doing 60-90 seconds of intense exercise so that whatever you eat, it goes to your cell development and is not stored as fat. These types of muscle contractions really help in fat loss.
#27. Cinnamon for blood sugar control.
Cinnamon is great for controlling the glucose level in your body. So add this spice in your meals or have it with your green tea or any other drink you like. It will do wonders.
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Monday, 14 March 2016
Losing Weight by Reviving the Adrenal Cortex
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Losing weight is one of the most popular searches on Google. There are many modern outlooks on how to lose weight effectively without any side effects. The major reason for gaining weight in today's world is the trash we feed ourselves. The intake of junk food disrupts our natural cycles including the adrenal rhythm. A disrupted adrenal rhythm is responsible for weight gain and many other maladies.
What is Adrenal Rhythm?
Adrenal glands are small glands which are situated above the kidneys and they are responsible for producing hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine. These are the hormones responsible for gearing up us against any perceived threat. The outer cortex present in the adrenal glands, produce cortisol which is a hormone responsible for maintaining equilibrium especially during chronic stress. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for maintaining weight.
A normal adrenal rhythm is characterized by a rise in cortisol early in the morning, which reduces during the afternoon and goes low during the night. Sleepiness is caused due to the reduction of cortisol which in turn helps the pineal gland to release melatonin. Cortisol affects weight variations as it helps in regulation of blood sugar. If cortisol levels are not well maintained then depression and weight gain are seen. Moreover it may lead to irregular sleep and stress.
The blood sugar levels are directly proportional to the amount of carbohydrates in our food. If there is increase in carbs then the blood sugar rises. Similarly when a meal is skipped the blood sugar drops suddenly leading to the release of extra cortisol which further results in stress and irritation. Hence, it is essential to maintain a regular supply of carbohydrates on which the body is used to. Moreover, the timing for consumption of carbs should also be modulated in order to promote effective weight loss.
Basically the diet comprises of two major divisions, one the foods we need to avoid and the other the foods we need to incorporate in our diet. A correct method of eating the same is also essential. Eating correct meals is just not enough as the correct timings for the same also count. The entire topic about food is too complicated but if one follows basic rules then it will lead to a complete picture.
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Adrenal rhythm affects many functions of our body and hence a control on this will lead to the overall wellbeing of our body. Moreover it will also help in some basic function of the body such as:
Adrenal Fatigue: Adrenal fatigue is the belief that the general fatigue experienced by people is due to the poor functionality of the adrenal glands. This occurs in people who are stressed or mentally disturbed. The adrenal glands can be revived by the addition of several nutritional foods at the correct time.
Balance Hormone: A complete balance of the hormones leads to a better life. This can be achieved by a healthy lifestyle and a complete diet.
Relieve Adrenal Stress and anxiety: Adrenal stress occurs due to an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Stress is also related to poor nourishment to the brain. Hence, this again can be brought under control by a proper diet. Similarly one can break free from insomnia.
Lose Radical Weight Naturally: Weight control can be achieved in a simple manner by retrieving the adrenal rhythms which lead to a better life on the whole. This can be done by consuming food on regular intervals based on the adrenal rhythms.
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3 Rules and 3 Lessons to Lose Weight Once and for All
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There are numerous weight loss options out there, given that it's a billion dollar industry! Diet trends are created with new scientific research, documented by before and after photos, passed down by generations, and promoted by famous celebs. We are willing to do just about anything to fit into our favorite pair of skinny jeans, so we tend to listen to whatever diet is trending at the time. Atkins, Du-ken, Cornish, Campbell study, Palo, Vegan, Juices, Gluten free... One swears by fat, the other one by proteins and the third one has a strong evidence that both fat and too much protein are to blame?! Just who should we trust and what will deliver the results that will last for a lifetime?
The secret is very simple, Pollen says: "Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much." And that's it. Eat the food! Do not eat anything that has more than 4-5 ingredients. Don't eat anything that your grandmother would not recognize as a legit food.
Eat mostly plants. We tend to overestimate our daily protein needs as well as underestimate the amount of protein in plants! Eat your beans, Quinta or nuts and your digestion system will thank you for it!
Not too much. One of the dangers of healthy foods, especially ones containing sugar, is that we might give ourselves permission to overeat them because they are healthy. It's true- 200 calories coming from oranges is nutritionally not the same as 200 calories coming from cookies, but... they do count!
Following those 3 rules, after hundreds of lost and gained pounds over the last ten years, my scale and I finally live in peace and harmony. After the dark age of diet pills, shakes, compulsive exercise, fat burners, ephedra, protein bars and L-carnitine, here are the 3 most important lessons I've learned while maintaining a lean physique:
1. Hunger is a normal natural phenomenon. Actually, it is desirable from time to time. It is OK to feel hungry and you should feel hungry from time to time. Embrace it!
2. To live as a fit, healthy and strong person is a decision you have to make several times every day in a million different situations. Should I just sit in front of a TV because I'm tired or should I actually go for a 20-minute walk? Should I eat another slice of bread or have a bowl of lettuce? Make the right decision for yourself on a daily basis.
3. Make peace with your scale. It is what it is and that number does not define you as a person. Be brave, step on and keep stepping on every single day. Find out where you are today and decide where you want to be tomorrow. Commit to it and never stop tracking your progress. Remember, it's just a number!
And at the end... the most important secret of all... (drum-rolls) Never give up on yourself! You won't get fat from one day of binge eating, it happens. What you do the day after is what makes all the difference, so forgive yourself and try harder tomorrow!
CoreWellness is located in Deer Park, Illinois and provides Chiropractic & Therapeutic services throughout the northwest suburbs of Chicago.
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Sunday, 13 March 2016
5 Worst Foods For Weight Loss
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Is learning about the worst foods for weight loss effective in losing weight? Take the easy road and learn what food you should avoid to achieve weight loss success.
Do you recall the feeling of making a mistake and then having to admit it and say you were sorry? That is not a good feeling. It is one we all try to avoid, but one that we have all experienced. We are human right? It is similar to realizing you may have been eating the wrong foods that you didn't know were halting your progress to shed unwanted pounds.
We are always looking for good things to add to our lives, so it is also good to learn what you should shy away from. Learning about the kind of foods you should stay away from is another step closer to your goals. It gives you an advantage so that you have one more path without resistance.
When I was on my weight loss journey, I knew what foods to avoid, but I mostly focused on what I should eat. Once I knew what to avoid, I didn't worry about it anymore. I just thought about the type of food that would be the best to prepare and eat. Not worrying about the bad food, I was able to reach and surpass my goal.
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5 Worst Foods For Weight Loss
Bagel. A bagel is a large amount of wheat, gluten and other things we can't pronounce to eat for one meal. Bagels are too large in size for what you body can digest quickly. The bagels that are made with enriched flour is a double whammy. Enriched flour breaks down into sugar which is food for fat cells.
Soda. Soda is full of sugar. Sugar is food for fat cell growth. Artificial sweeteners are not any better. They can inhibit proper digestion. The carbonation in soda causes bloating and indigestion.
Butter. Butter is very fattening with a high fat calorie count. Butter contains trans-fats and is not good for your overall health. Don't add it to your food. Use olive oil or canola oil instead.
White rice. White rice is usually eaten in large amounts. The proper amount for good digestion and fat burning would be about a ¼ of a cup. White rice, like the bagel, is converted into sugar. Choose brown rice instead.
Candy. Yep. Candy is the exact thing your fat cells thrive on. Stay away and forget about it.
Want More On "Worst Foods For Weight Loss"? CLICK LINK and find out how you can Lose Belly Fat Fast with our FREE Report which will show you how to easily lose weight and keep it off. Don't miss out on our FREE Report, (limited quantities available)!
"If you've enjoyed this article, please be sure to forward it to a friend!"
Hi, I'm Shari Carter and I am a Cosmetologist as well as a Health and Wellness Advocate. I am passionate about helping people reach their health and weight loss goals.
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5 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Means More Money For You
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Don't we all love food!! Yes, we do infact some love it much more than we all do. Having more food than required fills us up, both stomach wise and satisfaction wise. Some eat to forget, some to get over their emotions and others cause they just love to eat. Whatever the reason might be, over eating leads to overweight which is stepping stone to being obese or severely overweight. If you are overweight, you should sincerely consider rapid weight loss for your well being both personally, professionally and financially.
Lets not get into the facts how eating more or being overweight or being obese can be bad, cause so many just don't bother. Now being overweight is also bad for the wallet, your financial status and for the overall well being of the country and the business you work with. Rapid weight loss now can be really beneficial so to the fact you can start seeing results in as little as 12 hours. At Least you get to have more money if not anything else.
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5 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Means More Money For You
1. Medical Costs - An overweight person can have up to 4 times additional annual medical expenses of a normal person, not including the visits to doctor, time spent on visits, money spent on travel and so forth. Imagine one saving $3000 a year just because now they eat less and have lost fat and weight. As the age increases obese people are more prone to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. Also they might take unrequired medicines for normal issues as stomach botherings due to high food intake.
2. Food Costs - Dropping a few pant sizes might be actually worthwhile for saving money. Assuming $5 a meal's cost and you eat half dinner, you could end up saving a $1000 a year. If one looks at overall food intake during the day and reducing it by half will definitely show more money in the wallet towards the end of the week.
3. Health Insurance Premiums - Overweight people as more prone to diseases and thus insurance companies charge more premiums for over weight and obese people. Insurance companies are always happy to get more money from you and being over weight is just a very happy simple reason for them to. So you save money there too.
4. Boost Your Salary - Employers may not hire an overweight or obese person due to higher health care costs and lower productivity rates. Also fit people tend to fit more into the surroundings and merge well.
5. More Off Days - Obese people on average take 4 more sick leave than normal people. This leads to less productivity and less money as unpaid leave in some cases. Obese people might have some health issues here and there that may prevent them from work a particular day.
These 5 ways you would better off financially if you were to have rapid weight loss and the results would be visible in as little as 12 hours. So if not for health, one could at least lose weight for wealth. Wish you good luck.
As per a research by the Journal of American Medical Association, Weight Loss programs are very effective in rapid weight loss and its maintenance over long term. To find the best weight loss program visit -
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Saturday, 12 March 2016
Gain Insights To Mindful Eating To Lose Weight Faster
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You know the question we ask ourselves all time, what sounds good to eat? There are many questions like these we ask ourselves when we are hungry, bored, or tired. It is easy to give in to our emotions and the physical desire to eat food. Sometimes you might think you have to have superpowers to have enough willpower to resist the food temptations all around us.
What is great about focusing on mindful eating is that you will be able to be the one in control, not your feelings. Once you gain control of your eating habits, you can then lose weight faster and watch the fat cells shrink. Our minds and bodies are closely connected. If your thoughts are turned to a positive direction with a clear path of what you want to accomplish, then your body will follow.
To lose weight to my target goal, I realized that I needed to have complete focus on what I ate. Being able to focus on food for my body, was a huge game changer for me. I was able to lose weight faster than ever and lose more than my original goal.
Gain Insights To Mindful Eating
Decide. Make a decision about what it is you want to accomplish. Do you want to lose a certain amount of weight, or do you want to be more healthy? Of course, you could do both, but it is important to pinpoint your intention first.
Goals. Now that you know what you want to accomplish, write up some goals that correspond to your vision. Make sure they are realistic and specific.
Vision. Read your goals everyday and visualize yourself achieving them. This helps your mind to be on board with what you want your body to accomplish.
Focus. Stay focused on your goals and the direction you are going. If you make a mistake or have a setback, just keep going and don't worry about it.
Plan. Prepare in advance a weekly menu of what you will be eating. You can thoughtfully consider healthy food and write it down when you are not hungry. This way you have more control over your food choices.
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As you implement these tips give them a good amount of time to test them. A month is a good amount of time to test if these work for you. Too often people quit just before a great breakthrough.
Want More On "Mindful Eating To Lose Weight Faster"? CLICK LINK and find out how you can Lose Belly Fat Fast with our FREE Report which will show you how to easily lose weight and keep it off. Don't miss out on our FREE Report, (limited quantities available)! "If you've enjoyed this article, please be sure to forward it to a friend!"
Hi, I'm Shari Carter and I am a Cosmetologist as well as a Health and Wellness Advocate. I am passionate about helping people reach their health and weight loss goals.
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Friday, 11 March 2016
Slim Fit Desired
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Everyone, male or female loves to look trim, especially in the belly area. Corsets, waist trainers, sit ups/press ups, liposuction; the whole nine yards have been used and are still used to achieve or give the illusion of flat bellies! You'd love to have a flat belly, but sadly splurging on every food or snack can make keeping fit a herculean task. Abdominal bloating is not only unattractive but can also cause physical discomfort. Thankfully, it is a condition you can avoid and even fix.
QUICK FACTS; everyone has some belly fat, yours truly included (and I'm a size 8)! That's normal. But too much belly fat can affect your health in a way that other fat doesn't. It's that deeper fat "visceral" fat, that's the threat and bigger problem, even for thin people.
But then again, visceral fat isn't such a bad thing as it serves as a sort of metaphoric cushion around your organs. But if you have too much of it, you may be more likely to get heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers, like colon cancer.
To be healthy, the ideal waist size should be less than 35 inches if you're a woman and less than 40 inches if you're a man. This should be calculated in an upright position. Some have argued that if they were thin and not fat then surely, they wouldn't have to worry about belly fat. Wrong! As we have seen, a thin person can manage to have an abdominal bulge. So the first step is to;
. Rule out constipation; most times an infrequent bowel movement may just be the reason you are spotting that bulge. If you don't take enough fibrous food (fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains) drink little or no water, chances are that, stocking up on these may prove the cure to your belly fat.
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. Don't eat sugar or take sugar sweetened drinks; try replacing sugar with pure organic honey.
. Eating more protein and cutting down on carbohydrates is a very effective way to lose fat. This is supported by numerous studies for when people cut carbohydrates, their appetite goes down and they lose weight.
. Drink plenty of water (at least 6-8 glasses a day) this helps to keep the body hydrated and cleanses the system naturally.
. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, five times a week; nothing daunting or anything.Just ensure it is consistent and you break a sweat while at it.
For more amazing tips, visit; http://www.SLIMHEALTHY.INFO
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These 8 Types of Foods Make You Fat and Gain Weight
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Let us discuss about the foods that help you in gaining fat and weight. There are many foods which you think are healthy, but make you fat in the long run. Some of the facts may surprise you and you will be shocked how you have been thinking about these foods. Let us discuss one by one.
#1. Fat Free - Fat Free Rice Cakes, Low fat biscuits, calories counted ready meals
This food contains starch with zero fibre. Starch is finally converted into sugar in our body. Our body produces insulin to control sugar. Insulin production helps in storing fat, increasing hunger and craving. So this cycle keeps repeating and we gain weight.
Eating high starch grain based diet will make you fatigue, depressed, constipated, malnourished, irritable and vulnerable to chronic illnesses like high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes.
Food companies market them as healthy food, but in reality they are helping you in gaining fat and weight, so avoid them as much as possible.
#2. Slim Fast Shakes
Most of these shakes are made up of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, enriched flours. The corn syrup is a grain, not a vegetable. It is an anti nutrient, contains omega-6 fats which are inflammatory and blood sugar disruptive. In flour enriched products, only two or three nutrients are added back after removing 15 nutrients. These products are left which nothing as nutrients.
#3. Sugar free - Sugar Free Ice Cream, Sugar Free Snacks and Desserts
Sugar free products are loaded with artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners will make you gain weight as they trick your mind and body. They do not feed your body anything what it actually needs. This will produce vicious cycle of craving, eating, eating more artificial sweeteners and more craving. As a result of this, you will gain weight in long turn.
If you really care about your health then keep away from highly toxic aspartame (NutraSweet) and other sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sweet-n-Low), and acesulfame-k.
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#4. Protein and Energy bars - Soy protein energy bars, Tofu, Soy milk
Protein and Energy bars are basically soy protein isolates. So protein isolates create deficiencies of vitamin E, D, B12, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc. Zinc is necessary for a strong immune system and also plays important role in intelligence and behavior because it is needed for optimal development and functioning of nerve and brain system. It also helps in controlling blood sugar level and it is required for healthy reproductive systems.
So do not consume higher doses of Protein energy bars and tofu products.
#5. Diet Soda
Diet Soda contains artificial sweeteners which are not healthy at all. Sweeteners like NutraSweet and Splenda do more harm than good to our body. They raise insulin in our body and store fat. So avoid them all.
#6. Refined vegetable oils - canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and safflower oil
We have been told to avoid fats. But it's not the case. There are two types of fats, good fats and bad fats.
Bad fats are trans fat and vegetables fats. This is contrary to belief that cholesterol and saturated are bad fats. But in reality they are good fats which are required by our body to function properly.
Trans fats and vegetables fats are real culprits because these contribute to inflammation, cancer, heart disease and obesity. Trans fats are not natural fats. They are vegetable oils artificially transformed with hydrogen under high pressure and chemicals.
Consuming vegetable oils is damaging our body, especially the reproductive organs and the lungs. Diet high in vegetable oils can cause irritability, liver toxicity, learning disabilities and decreased immune functions.
So avoid using excess vegetable oils like canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and safflower oil. Use coconut oils or krill oils instead.
#7. Cookies, Chips and Crackers
These crackers are loaded with hydrogenated fats which are not good for our health. They are marketed as healthy but in reality they contains high amount of omega-6 which is not healthy.
#8. Cereals
These are advertised as healthy and high fibre but in reality they contain sugar, corn, wheat, soy bean flour. They will produce more hunger and your sugar level will go up. To control sugar level, our body has to produce insulin which is not good.
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Thursday, 10 March 2016
Exercise and Weight Loss Go Hand in Hand - Some Useful Tips
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It is a fact that exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. You can't expect to lose weight just by dieting; you need to do some exercise to complement your diet. It's also not feasible to just exercise and not eat healthy as though you may be obese, your body needs nutrition to safely and effectively lose weight. So as the way you shape your life determines how you shape your body, here are some tips to keep your body moving.
Yoga helps
Yoga. Though it's such an old form of exercise, no other form of exercise has so much popularity and acclaim as yoga. It not only benefits the entire body, it's cheap to do as all you need is some space and at the most a yoga mat, it's portable as you can do your yoga anywhere and it's really effective in helping with weight loss and getting you back in shape.
The plus point of yoga is that it creates a strong mind-body connection wherein you know when you are full. This encourages mindful eating which helps keep you fit and healthy and at least maintain weight if not lose it!
Lifting weights help
All it takes are a few quick and easy exercises to burn a few calories every day. This means you just have to walk a mile in 20 minutes or do about half an hour of house cleaning to burn calories. While there's nothing wrong about exercising in the evening, it's better if you exercise in the morning. This is because research has proven that morning exercise improves your quality of sleep at night, which in turn promotes weight loss.
The best way to lose body fat is by lifting weights as it not only burns body fat, but also helps build lean muscles and effectively reduces belly fat. You need to improve your body's muscle mass to increases your body metabolism.
Learn to eat right
Besides exercise, it's necessary to learn to eat cautiously. This means you need to start eating before you start feeling hungry, and stop eating before you feel full. This is important as if you starve yourself, you end up eating more than you should, and this only spells disaster.
So now you know why people who starve themselves saying they are 'dieting' usually end up gaining more weight instead of losing it! Moreover, you need to eat slowly and end your meal before you burp in satisfaction. You will be just fine if you drink a glass of water after that.
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Be positive
Last, but not least, while exercise and weight loss do go hand in hand, it's also important that you maintain a positive attitude all the time. If you have a habit of telling yourself that you are healthy and active, it creates a dramatic impact on your mind and consequently on your life.
Your body responds well to this positivity and in return, helps you with your weight loss endeavors. If you don't believe that you can lose weight, you develop a negative mindset which in turn hampers all your dieting and exercise efforts!
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